Crafts & Arts
What makes the job of organ builder so extremely exciting and varied for you? Organ building gives one an insight into many different trades: woodworking and metalworking, architecture, electronics and precision engineering. Acquiring commercial knowledge is also an essential part of the apprenticeship.
Furthermore, artistic skill has a special part in the design of the case – the external appearance of the organ – as well as in the voicing, i.e. creating the sound of the pipes.

In which other profession can one combine tradition with the latest technology?
Classical apprenticeship
We train apprentices in two classical categories: organ building and carpentry. Both have a training period of three and a half years.
During this time, as an apprentice organ builder, you will get to know all the phases of organ building at Rieger: from planning and preparing technical drawings to assembly and voicing of the organ at its final destination. The training has dual elements, consisting of practical units, which take place in our workshop, as well as taught units in the form of block sessions at the vocational school for musical instrument making, the Oskar-Walcker School in Ludwigsburg (Germany).
As an apprentice carpenter, you will also go through a dual training system in our company and learn all the processing techniques for wood and other materials, how to use machines and tools, and many more aspects that are required for this profession.

Deine Ansprechpartner

Timo Allgäuer, Lehrlingsbeauftragter

Reiner Schuhenn
+43 5572 58 132–21