Inspiring people
The fascination of organ building is not based solely on the combination of craftsmanship and artistic flair. It is primarily based on the active cooperation of people who contribute their respective skills and share their enthusiasm for organ building. That is our belief.

More than 60 people from 14 nations form a strong team.
Rieger family
The heart of Rieger Orgelbau beats on the outskirts of Schwarzach, located between Bregenz and Dornbirn. This is where our large workshops are located, in which we manufacture organs for our customers around the world, according to clear technical, social and ethical principles. With this common understanding, we function together as a large Rieger family, which is always happy to welcome new members, who enrich our team with skills and the love for organ building.

The Vorarlberg tradition of craftsmanship
Rieger organs are not only valued by organists worldwide for their sound. Above all, it is also their reliable and innovative technology that establishes the reputation of Rieger organs. This high technical quality is based on the craftsmanship, skills and inventiveness of our employees. We are thus part of the centuries-old and special tradition of Vorarlberg craftsmanship, which we continue in organ building, and for the quality of which we vouch with the Rieger name.

We are always looking for experts, connoisseurs and those interested in organ building. Simply send us your unsolicited application and tell us why you want to be part of the Rieger family. Contact: Reiner Schuhenn +43 5572 58 132-21

We look forward to every contact!